June 27, 2010
How to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
The Science Of External Controls
Monitoring (Asset Control)
Every intelligence service since time began has sought methods of owning people and ensuring they stayed loyal. Two of 13 Illuminati families who are known to have developed extremely well-run bloodline intelligence groups are the Li family and the Rothschild family. The Li’s family started its Chinese intelligence back in 1400 A.D. They had already been an ancient Chinese aristocratic family for many centuries prior to this. Some of their techniques for their agents were state of the art mind control techniques.
The Rothschild’s personal spy network and their own mail service was known to be superior to the national European governments during the 19th century. Traditional spy-craft has involved the ability to recruit and keep agents loyal. The professional spook manipulates his recruits for a living. He becomes adept at controlling people.
For thousands of years, spy operations have honed their skills at controlling people. Because they work secretly, they generally have done whatever they wanted. When you combine the resources and centuries of intelligence operations of the Illuminati, along with the credibility of government intelligence agencies supposedly guarding our national security, the combination is horrific. There are no moral or financial restraints on what is being done. If the intelligence groups want to dabble in keeping a severed head alive apart from the body, (or a frozen body with an active head) which they have done, there is no one to stop them. Handlers of slaves use both natural and contrived cues to convey to the slave that they want obedience.
A natural non-verbal threat cue would be brusque movements, and an innuendo in their voice. A contrived cue would be placing both hands behind the head, which is a code for "I AM YOUR MASTER, OBEY ME." Another cue for slaves to obey is when the master makes a fist with his right hand and touches his forehead. This means, "OBEY." Even children, who were multiples, who were being taught to control their mother who wanted to leave the cult, have been observed using the fist to the forehead to try to get obedience from their mother. Staring is one method that the Programmers use. Charles Manson, who was both a slave and a handler, is an example of how a penetrating hypnotic stare is used by the Programmers.
One way to control people is to wear clothes of authority. Dr. Green, Dr. Black, Dr. Star, Michael Aquino and other programmers have worn Nazi uniforms while programming, and at other time have worn Satanic Priestly garb.
A beginning point to control people is understanding human needs, and understanding the individual to be controlled. A good case officer learns everything he can about the asset (person or slave) he is to control. Case officers/handlers have been constantly working at improving their skills of control. Monarch slaves who must function as intelligence officers, who recruit spies, are trained in the art of listening and conversation.
Learning to listen without interrupting is a guarantee of success. CIA handlers/ programmers have an extremely personable side to them--and a very deadly animalistic side to them too. They will be trained to look anyone they want to recruit in the eyes and withstand their stare.
"Friendship begins with a smile; recruitment with a stare." (This is a quote from the book Suvorov, Viktor. Inside The Aquarium. New York: Macmillan, p. 108. During training, men in U.S. Army Intelligence are told to read this book to understand how U.S. intelligence works). The entire lives of Monarch slaves are kept on records. Zbigniew Brezinski, and the heads of the CIA, and Sec. of Defense Cheney are just some of the men known about who have access to the computer records that contain records on every active Monarch slave.
Not everyone has a price, but everyone will respond to their needs being met. James K. Van Fleet, an important military intelligence officer, wrote about how to manage people. In military intelligence, they keep files on people where they identify which subconscious desires of people are important to the person at the time.
All this information is kept in SOFT FILES--which are not official files, so these files have never officially existed and are not given up even to Congressional subpoenas. The Intelligence agencies know that if they find out what the person wants above all else in life, they can control the person. The nine areas that are monitored to see if they are important at the moment are:
1. emotional security
2. recognition of efforts or reassurance of worth
3. creative outlets
4. a sense of personal power
5. a sense of roots--belonging somewhere
6. immortality
7. ego-gratification
8. love in all its forms
9. new experiences
Once they monitor these areas and then they determine which needs are priority needs for the person, then they will use what they call "the depth approach" to subconsciously gratify those needs in a way that they gain control over the person. Modern companies are doing this too. Dough mix isn’t sold, but making a family memory with the children is. Soap isn’t sold to get dishes clean--but rather soft beautiful hands are sold. Cosmetic companies don’t sell an item--they sell you hope or an image. Fruit dealers don’t sell fruit, they sell health and vitality. Car dealers don’t sell cars, they sell prestige and images. Freezers aren’t sold, emotional security from having a full freezer is sold. They have learned to genuinely appeal to the 9 subconscious desires.
In intelligence, these desires are called "weaknesses", because intelligence case officers and handlers will attempt to manipulate those desires for their own gain by sincerely helping the person. They set up short-range & long term goals and plans on how to manage a person.
For instance, if a Monarch slave’s day to day alters want ego-gratification, a creative outlet, and reassurance of worth, the Illuminati may promise the slave that if the alters comply they will give them a singing contract in Las Vegas. If they need to appeal to their emotional security--they can promise a big salary and a nice house. If they need to appeal to immortality they can promise to award them a star on Hollywood Boulevard or whatever religious immortality they can credibly offer. (The slave will get the short end of any deal). Anything the slave gets is going to come at a price. The slave will have to do something in return for the Network. Illuminati alters are promised power, honor, glory and wealth. Considering the power and wealth of the elite, they do have the resources to make good on this if they want. However, the price of obedience might be to shave one’s head in submission and sacrifice a child.
Another important point is that the abusers want to get the active cooperation of the person being used. This can be accomplished by lies (or facts if they are convenient) which appeal to the person’s views of right and wrong. For instance, a pedophile will talk to the child who they are going to rape to get its cooperation. The CIA handlers will listen to what a Slave needs, and solve it for them.
Bear in mind, they will only do this if the slave doesn’t live with the handler and is pulling in the wrong direction. For instance, the CIA has lots of sleepers, who are dangerous people just waiting to be set off. In these cases, the CIA has to work with front alters who aren’t aware of the mind control. Rather than force an issue with control, sometimes a gentle manipulation will work. Then again some slave alters are under such strong mind control that they simply need an order, and don’t need gentle manipulation.
The isolation that the handlers impose on their slave to prevent real relationships with outsiders, and the strong bonding of the slave to its master (trauma bonding, etc.) that is administered via the mind control, actually provides a chance for freedom IF the slave survives its master’s death.
Most slaves are programmed to die soon after their master dies, the co-author Cisco was. If the slave survives the suicide programming, the Illuminati will have already taken into consideration who the slave will be passed onto. Cisco’s system survived their programmer/master’s death, and they were not able to break the intense bonds which made the System loyal to that master. Because there is so much secret mind-control slavery going on, if only a small percentage begin to break loose because their loyalty programming backfires on the Illuminati, it has still given us on the other side a significant break.
Another example of an MPD system becoming exposed when a handler dies, is when Rothschild, the President of Oilfield Scrap & Equipment in Kentucky, committed suicide. He was the handler of a highly functioning MPD slave, who was his secretary, Mary Davis. Mary Davis could not function after his death and sued in court - Davis v. Oilfield Scrap & Equipment Co., 482 So.2d 970 (La. App. 3rd Cir. 1986) - for worker’s compensation because she could not function after her handler’s death. Because the Illuminati have kept their membership secret, people have not seen the connections between the various cases of multiple personality that surface.
In Iowa in 1987, a Multiple named Freeman was arrested for stealing a car. In South Carolina in 1990, a Rutherford with MPD was in court. In North Dakota in 1988, an MPD daughter named Johnson tried to sue her abusive father named Johnson for her sexual abuse. In 1984, a Multiple named Hall was hit by a truck and was in court. In 1987, a Multiple named Jones tried to use his MPD to get off of a murder conviction in Washington. In 1988, Marie Moore, a Multiple in N.J. ran a coven which tortured teenagers. The police found a well hidden body in her house, but the corrupt judicial system did not convict her of murder. In 1988, a Ms. Wheeler applied for Social Security disability benefits due to mental impairments such as MPD.
In each of these MPD cases: Freeman, Hall, Jones, Johnson, Moore, Rutherford, and Wheeler are all surnames that have many members in the Illuminati. The secrecy of the Illuminati has protected people from seeing their hidden genealogies. Tracking these genealogies would in turn start exposing the extent of their mind control. As the handlers isolate the slave from mainstream society, they can begin to give them things that will satisfy their long suppressed emotional needs. These are given in a way that they further lock the person in to the control. For instance, the slave has been stripped of power, he craves power, so he is given power over other people’s lives. The slave has been stripped of its real family, so he is given roots by a long generational occult bloodline, and a cult family.
Each Monarch slave exists in their own situation, but there are often common features to how they are controlled. For instance, the handlers like to restrict the mobility of their slaves. Some of the slaves will never write their own checks, will never drive anywhere, and will seldom watch television unless it is something like a Walt Disney movie which is mind-control programming. Some slaves are allowed to drive, but only on a limited basis and their sense of direction is stripped from them hypnotically.
In January, 1995, this co-author’s newsletter From A Follower of Christ² had a feature article on Marilyn Monroe. Monarch mind-controlled slaves like Loretta Lynn and Marilyn Monroe lived tightly controlled lives, and were not allowed to drive automobiles. The one exception is that Loretta has been allowed to drive her car around the ranch. The following is some excerpts from the co-author’s January ‘95 newsletter because it gives a good example of how Marilyn Monroe, a mind-controlled slave had her life very tightly controlled.
...On a day in October, 1957, a woman named Lena Pepitone was hired to take care of Marilyn Monroe. In 1979, she published her memories of the time she was the primary person taking care of Marilyn Monroe. I personally think that Lena Pepitone was clean, and didn’t know what she was dealing with. She describes in detail her life with Marilyn Monroe.
The inside story of life with Marilyn is nothing like people might imagine. Lena’s book is such a clear description of how life with a Monarch slave can be--that I decided to use her book as the basis of some articles. Marilyn Monroe was an orphan, and during her infancy the Illuminati/CIA programmed her to be a Monarch slave. Before becoming an actress, while she was still a stripper, she spent time with the founder of the Church of Satan Anton LaVey.
Victims of LaVey have pointed him out as a mind-control programmer. At that time, Marilyn was going by several names including Mona. When they made her a star, Marilyn lived on the 13th floor, in 13E at Sutton Place, NY - the world of the rich and famous. That is where Lena came to help her. However, Marilyn’s existence was not that of a rich person, but was more like that of an inmate. Marilyn was allowed to have no personal life, outside of the dictates of her programmers and her masters. The programmers and users bore down so hard on controlling Marilyn that they repeatedly came close to driving her insane. The following format the words in italic are direct quotes from Lena Pepitone’s book which is entitled Marilyn Monroe Confidential An Intimate Personal Account, NY: Simon & Schuster, 1979.
P.16 - "Floor-to-ceiling mirrors were everywhere. Even the dining alcove at the rear of the living room had a table with a mirrored top. All these mirrors didn’t cheer things up."
In programming Monarch slaves, mirrors are used a great deal. Within the Monarch slave’s mind, countless mirror images are made. The slave sees thousands of mirrors everywhere in their mind. Because Marilyn was so stripped of any personal identity, she decorated her house as her mind looked on the inside--full of mirrors. Although other Monarchs may have some desires to decorate with mirrors, Marilyn is the most extreme case I know of filling one’s house full of mirrors.
P.25 - "Marilyn’s bedroom was definitely not a queen’s chamber... There were no paintings in the cramped, square room, only mirrors.
Marilyn’s controllers kept her down. Even when she was famous and great, she lived like a slave. She was not allowed to have any self-esteem beyond what she was programmed for.
P.29 - "May was finally able to call for the chauffeur to take Marilyn away."
... Marilyn was a captive, she didn’t go anywhere on her own, she always had someone drive her.
P.32 - "First of all, Marilyn’s life was incredibly monotonous for her. Her doctor’s appointments (I later learned these were appointments with psychiatrists) and her acting lessons were virtually all she had to look forward to. She spent most of her time in her little bedroom...
Marilyn went out of the house to be either programmed or groomed. Other than that she stayed cooped up in her room. Does the reader begin to see that the woman was a slave with no life of her own?
P.33 - "She [Marilyn] didn’t even own a television, never listened to the radio."
They stripped Marilyn of any contact with the outside world to insure that their mind control would work. They were afraid that something might go wrong with the first Presidential slave that was allowed to be highly visible to the public...
P.41 - [Marilyn says], "Shit. My life is shit, "she wept. "I can’t go anywhere. I’m a prisoner in this house."
Marilyn is only telling the truth.
P.43 - "Because Marilyn had no real friends, she concentrated on herself"
The closest friend Marilyn had is saying that Marilyn Monroe had no real friends. Doesn’t that strike someone as strange. Marilyn didn’t have any real friends. Almost the only ones in her life were her abusers, and they worked hard to strip her of any personal goals or esteem.
P.70 - "You can go anywhere," I [Lena] assured her. "Anywhere in the world" "Who with? she asked sadly. "Who with? By myself" "Mr. Miller, your friends..." "What friends? I ain’t got nobody."
Many times during the programming, the programmers separate the victim from anyone who could be a support person, they are isolated from having friends and relatives unless the relatives are in the occult.
P.71 - Marilyn repeatedly calls herself a prostitute. She says, "They laugh at me. What am I... nothing... a prostitute."
Further on the page Marilyn tells Lena that no one has cared about her for her entire life, including her mother...
P.77 - "Don’t take my baby. So they took my baby from me... and I never saw it again. "After Marilyn had a healthy baby it was taken away from her and she was never allowed to see it.
It was very likely sacrificed. Marilyn was too afraid to ask what they were going to do with it.
P.100 - Marilyn loses her baby at the same place that some of her programming was done at. One can speculate that they took the baby for some perverted use...
P.134 - "The operation took place at Polyclinic Hospital where Marilyn had lost her baby the year before... [Marilyn said] "Going back to that hospital’s a nightmare... .Pain? What’s pain?" For her, the only pain was in not having her own child."
Notice she always go back to the Polyclinic Hospital. Monarch victims have had to endure vast amounts of horrible torture. They learn to survive by disassociation.
When Marilyn says "What is pain?" she is being accurate in reflecting her response to pain. She could not have pain, because she would disassociate it. Certain alters are created to take the pain, and the other alters don’t have to experience it.
P.135 - "I found Marilyn in a small room without any view. It was very depressing, especially since there were no flowers or any other signs that Marilyn had friends who were thinking of her."
Imagine a great actor like Marilyn is given a room without a view and no flowers or anything to cheer her up.
P.137 - "Marilyn’s now almost daily visits to the psychiatrists."
... She was closely monitored.
P.193 – Marilyn’s half-sister tries to come into Marilyn’s life. Marilyn says "I have a right to have a family." And on the next page "Gee, you’re really my sister. My sister... At least you lived with relatives."
Marilyn’s masters did not want her to have any family. They often strip the deeper alters of a Monarch slave from any ties to any non-cult person...
P.199 -Marilyn orders a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made. Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of Oz programming which is usually the foundational programming.
P.202 - "Frank... clipped two gorgeous emerald earrings on Marilyn’s ears."
Again we see that emerald green is often used by Monarch slaves.
P. 205 - "A side from her evenings with Frank [Sinatra], Marilyn’s life in California seemed identical to her life in New York. She didn’t read, didn’t watch television, didn’t go anywhere. Although the sun was always shining, Marilyn was as pale as ever. She didn’t like to go outside during the day."
²As time goes on the case officer or handler will weave and ever firming ever tightening web of control around his asset. They will often use rapport. Many of the CIA’s Monarch programmers are very likable people, they have learned the skill of "B.S." and building rapport. Some of this involves just understanding people and NLP. The handler will look for telltale signs such as absenteeism, lateness, nervousness, or inconsistency. He will rely on intuition, spies, astral projection or psychic abilities to keep tabs on the asset. Then if a problem develops it will be addressed with appeals to patriotism, greed, ambition, or fear. Whatever works is the motto of the game.
When slaves are picked up, the men picking them up are called Draconian enforcers. Both authors of this book are very familiar with some of these men. They are often big male Monarch slaves. A popular Illuminati access point is to grab the right hand with the enforcers thumb in the area between the victim’s thumb and index finger. The pressure will be strong enough to leave a bruise after the access.
At different times in different states there have been patterns to what kind of car they drive. They often take the cars from cooperating dealerships, so that there is no license number to trace. They also use stolen license plates on their cars. In 1993, in NY they were using brown Volkswagens. In the Oregon area (especially Portland), a full time Monarch slave enforcer named Rex drives his large red pickup or at times someone else’s other vehicle (like his Illuminati boss’s white pickup truck). He will carry a gun and a cattle prod. The cars in some places have been often red or black. A white or silver car sometimes is used to denote someone of rank. When limousines are used to pick up slaves, they may switch license plates regularly because the plates contain access codes. This was one reason the establishment began allowing people to customize their own license plates!
When one wants to control a group of people, as a leader of a country Machiavelli’s book is great. Some of those principles can be scaled down to working with individuals.
Fritz has observed that almost across the board, if slaves are left within a non-cult family, relatives will consistently misperceive what is happening in the slave’s life. Switches between personalities are reinterpreted to fit the world view of the observer, the multiple is merely perceived as "moody" and "irrational". Half-way decent cover stories will generally suffice to cover the slave’s activities for the mafia, the CIA, and the satanic cult they belong to. The slave merely needs to pull up a good front alter for public consumption, for people want to think the best of everyone. The public will watch the 7-Swans fairy tale where a magical coat turns swans into a princess, never guessing that a news story far greater is happening all around them.
One way to control a person is to identify who the key people are in their life and then influence those people. Some of the work in controlling Monarch slaves goes on behind the scenes, even without the slave ever realizing it. A number of Monarch slaves have been maneuvered into marriages without actual mind-control even being necessary.
One of the items to successfully controlling people is that they know who they are taking orders from. In the military, officers get frustrated because they end up getting conflicting orders from conflicting jurisdictions. This happens with the control of Monarch slaves too, when too many chiefs and not enough Indians are around. When a slave ends up serving several handlers within a short period of time they can get really messed up. This is because the slaves receive severe abuse and their programming can be splintered and destroyed if not handled correctly. Of course, the slave takes the blame, but that doesn’t eliminate the problem.
If a handler wants a better chance of his slave functioning smoothly, the slave shouldn’t be tampered with by lots of handlers. This common sense logic of management seems to have been missed by a large number of handlers. One thing can be said, someone who is a common drug dealer had better not tamper with an Illuminati Mother of Darkness alter slave if they want to stay alive. It appears that slaves are seldom tampered with without permission.
Another ingredient in controlling people is knowing what your competition is going to do. Because the cults work with the intelligence agencies, they often know who, what, where, when, and how their enemies are going to challenge them. The authors of this book could write a book on how the Illuminati/intelligence agencies have watched them. People such as therapists and ministers who challenge the Monarch trauma-based programming have nice growing dossiers in CIA files.
A note should be made that the American intelligence agencies tattooed some of their slaves with blue Monarch butterflies, bluebirds, or roses for identification purposes. The bluebird relates to the CIA project name Project Bluebird. Some satanic cults tattoo the "sign of the great Beast" on the heads of victims. They also place scars with occult designs on their victims. The Illuminati slaves, who are hierarchy members of the Illuminati, are not tattooed, although a hard-to-see scar consisting of dots in a triangle on the third eye is done to some members. The prohibition against marking up one’s body is not consistently enforced in the Illuminati--it seems this standard is enforced more with the women than the male Illuminati members. CIA slaves have received the Butterfly tattoos from the age of about 11 on up.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
Labels: Mind Controlled Slave
June 26, 2010
June 25, 2010
June 19, 2010
June 16, 2010
June 13, 2010
Phobos monolith
Phobos monolith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 5, 2010 through
FT. Huachuca, Arizona
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Saturday, June 05, 2010
Labels:,, Arizona, FT. Huachuca
Operation Blackjack- June 22-The number 22
JUNE 22, 2010
The Master Number
The number 11 has special significance. In Numerology it is not reduced to a single digit. It is a power number as is 22, 33 etc. The number 11 represents the vision. The number 22 combines vision with action. The number 33 offers guidance to the world. The master numbers 11, 22, and 33 represent a triangle. A triangle of enlightenment or illumination.
11 22
For thousands of years the global elite (members of the Brotherhood) have communicated via symbolism. Just like all the events listed on the "Table of Coincidence" which coincide with the astronomical alignments of 19.5 and 33 degrees the September 11th event was planned as well.
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Saturday, June 05, 2010
June 3, 2010
this is not simply entertainment
Convert Hexadecimal To String Online
this is not simply entertainment
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Thursday, June 03, 2010